Tulip Solution Kits & Sets

Single-use procedure kits and reusable instrument sets for specific procedures.


Important notice about overnight shipments: Overnight orders must be received by 10:30 am PST for overnight processing. We can only send overnight orders for products already in stock. All orders that need to be assembled require a minimum of two to three business days for shipment, depending on quantities. FOR URGENT OVERNIGHT ORDERS, CALL 1-858-270-5900 OR EMAIL sales@tulipmedical.com.

Marten Clinic Set™

Marten Clinic Set™

Tonnard/Verpaele Set™

Tonnard/Verpaele Set™

Ghavami Gluteal Set™

Ghavami Gluteal Set™

Tulip Nano SoftBreast Set - Reusable

Tulip Nano SoftBreast Set - Reusable

Nabil Fakih Master Face Set™

Nabil Fakih Master Face Set™

Micro Set™ - Reusable

Micro Set™ - Reusable

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